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I have prepared this statement for you with the help of God. While you use this app, please remember me in your prayers. Pray Widase Maryam and Mezmure Dawit in Tigrigna directly from your phone. It includes all prayer from the book Widase Maryam and the seven hours prayer. The app has simple design which helps Wudase Mariam Is an Ethiopian Orthodox tewahedo church prayer Book of Saint Mary.

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Wudase mariam tigrigna Holy Bible In Amharic Holy Bible in Amharic (Ethiopian) is the old Amharic Bible version or the Haile Selassie 1962 version for your android supported phone.

All contents in this video are copyright protected. Unauth ብቤት ትምህርቲ ሰንበት ቅዱስ ኡራኤል ሙኒክ (münchen) ኣብ ሃገረ ጀርመን Please don't forget subscribers like comment Orthodox tewahedo Wudase Mariam Yezewter Tselot Geez.

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